National security experts weigh in on Trump indictment - 1 year, 7 months ago - Read On Original Website
And for legal analysis of the charges Mr. Trump faces, we turn to two experts in national security and handling classified documents.
Oona Hathaway is professor at Yale Law School and former special counsel at the Pentagon, and Jamil Jaffer is a law professor at George Mason University. He previously served in the National Security Division at the Justice Department and as associate counsel to President George W. Bush.
And I want to start by reading from the indictment. And we invite our viewers to go online, where they can find it and read it for themselves.
And I want to start, Jamil, with page two, because we learned precisely what Donald Trump had in his possession. The classified documents Trump's stored in the boxes included information regarding defense and weapons capabilities of both the U.S. and foreign countries, U.S. nuclear programs, potential vulnerabilities of the U.S. and its allies to military attack, and plans for possible retaliation in response to a foreign attack.
Given the breadth and scope of the allegations spelled out in this indictment, what strikes you?